Thursday, November 13, 2008

Republican Governors Association

Looks like Palin is refusing to go silent into that Alaskan night. But you can;t blame her. She has to strike while the iron is hot. McCain is done for and the republicans need to find their political footing after getting floored with the last election. I guess that is what you get with Bush and Dick in the White House.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Thursday the Republican Governors Association is committed to returning to the bedrock values in a weakened state across the nation.

Palin states "Let us resolve not to become the negative party, too eager to find fault or unwilling to help in this time of crisis and war," she told the gathering Thursday. "Losing an election does not have to mean losing our way, and for governors, the way forward leads through our own state capitals in reforms we will carry on or begin anew."

Palin, whose vice presidential nomination led to her being cast as one of the GOP's rising stars, told reporters ahead of the group's plenary session that she's not thinking about her personal ambitions but putting the country back on the conservative track.

"I can assure you, she's just getting started," said Texas Gov. Rick Perry who introduced her.

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