Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Presidential Dog Watch

When president-elect Obama mentioned that his kids are getting a puppy, everyone around the world have been waiting with anticipation to learn what kind of dog will become first dog.

Obama, who described the decision as a "major issue," is on the hunt for an Hypoallergenic dog, since daughter Malia is allergic.Now the Fido frenzy has gone international.

Peru has suggested its native Peruvian hairless dog, a bald, toothless breed, which actually looks cuter than it sounds. Nicknamed "Ears," the four-month-old has been offered formally to the future first family in a letter sent to the U.S. Embassy. If the Obama girls reject the Peruvian pup, Hopefully it won't create an international incident.

But if the Obamas want to go American, there are a lot of allergy-free dogs to choose from. In fact, Yahoo! searches on "list of hypoallergenic dogs" surged over 3,000% as the curious researched on their own. Lookups on "goldendoodle," another low-allergy breed, increased 200%, As Obama mentioned himself, the family's preference is to adopt a dog from a shelter. A dog from a shelter would likely be, as he joked, "a mutt, like me."

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