Wednesday, November 12, 2008

McCain on Leno

Maybe McCain is now looking to get into the movies with his first interview since losing the presidential election. His interview was with of course Leno.

"'I knew I had a headwind. I can read the polls,' he said, We just got back from the woodshed,' he said." I am surprised he just didn't blame his lose on Bush. Since he is the one who has killed the party.
He defended his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, who some of his own aides, speaking anonymously, have blamed for his defeat.If anything he got more voted because of her. I know one person who voted for him just because she was pretty.

Also: “When Mr. Leno asked Mr. McCain about a run in 2012, when he would be 76, he responded: ‘I wouldn’t think so, my friend." But I thought that he said that last time in 2000 when Bush beat him for the nomination.

More: “Ms. Palin is trying to turn to television to restore her tarnished image,start a 2012 presidential bid, or both.

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