Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dick Cheney indictment

I think this is a great thing. Sure there is something to be said for all sides, but I personally believe that this guy is pure evil. If we didn't have him or any oil powered lobbyist politicians do you think oil prices would be what they are today? NO of course they wouldn't, but that is what makes the world go round i guess.

A Texas grand jury has thrown the book at Vice President Dick Cheney. And for good measure, they are stomping the boot on Alberto Gonzales as well. The ambitious prosecutor for this charade is District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra of Willacy County, Texas, who’s good character is betrayed by a felony arrest in 2007 for evidence tampering, theft, and abuse of power. Abuse of power? This honorable public servant has served jail time twice.

The dubious charges will unfortunately not satisfy the Obama partisans however. No mention of Guantanamo. No illegal wiretapping. No blood for oil, Haliburton, Iraq conspiracies, or grassy knolls.

Rather, this indictment is about the mundane topic of prisoners in Willacy County’s federal detention centers, which are located in South Texas. Cheney abused them, don’t you see. Gonzales too. Cheney’s connection is that he has a mutual fund investment in the popular public investment fund, Vanguard Group, the world’s largest mutual fund holdings owned by millions of us. Vanguard, in turn, bought common stock in the prison companies operating the jails along with thousands of other companys’ stocks. Scandal!

Folks, this is nothing new and is just the beginning of a wave of political prosecutions. Obama has already signaled an intention to investigate the former government, stating in August that he would “immediately review” wrongdoing as one of his first priorities in office. Which is something that I think needs to happen. But I also think it should happen after every president to make sure that our rights as citizens weren't undermined without us knowing about it.

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