Thursday, November 13, 2008

Palin on Ticket in 2012?

I don't know about this myself, but Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday that a woman would be good for the Republican ticket in 2012, but was coy about whether that woman might be her.

If that were true don't you think that Mrs. Clinton would of been on the democratic ticket in 2008? But I don't think she was on this ticket because of her brains. Then again she might surprise everybody and could be the best president in history if she is elected.

"It would be good for the ticket. It would be good for the party. I would be happy to get to do whatever is asked of me to help progress this nation," Palin told reporters at the Republican Governors Association meeting.

Now, she is indirectly but unmistakably putting her name in play as a potential presidential candidate, saying she'll "plow through that door" if it's God's will and conditions are right.

If Palin were to run for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination she will likely face tough competition from former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who failed in his candidacy this year; Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, among others.

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